"Erlangen on Ice", history and mulled wine.
Advent in Erlangen means many things: romantic walks through the woods, ice-skating, or a trip into the past. Enjoy hot mead instead of hot, mulled wine, sucking pig instead of brats on a bun.
The university town invites you to three Christmas markets for the "Erlangen Christmas": At the "Altstädter Weihnachtsmarkt" (Old Town Christmas Market) on the Altstädter Kirchenplatz, local retailers, associations, craftsmen and musicians present themselves, the historic Christmas market on the Neustädter Kirchenplatz offers medieval market stalls and a colorful entertainment program, and at the "Erlanger Waldweihnacht" (Erlangen Forest Christmas) on the Schlossplatz, the grounds become a wintery grove with mulled wine, live music and much more.
In addition, the market square is transformed into a open spaced, sustainable synthetic alternative to a "real" ice rink for ice skating at "Erlangen like on Ice" and the little ones have great fun in front of a Christmas backdrop with the children's train "Rudolph's Christmas Express" on the Hugenottenplatz.